Building Project

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Exciting new developments

 During the 2020 Christmas break, lots happened at the school to make it a safer and better space for students and staff. Dozens of builders, electricians, demolition teams, crane operators, and many others worked some extraordinary hours. This work has carried on throughout 2021, despite the many challenges of Covid restrictions. We now have a new roof, and our new heating and cooling system is set to be complete in Term 4. We look forward to the commencement of construction of our brand new Senior School building in the new year, anticipated to be completed ready for the 2024 school year. We thank our amazing school community for their patience during these extensive works.


Building Project

Bright, positive spaces

New flooring has been laid on the stairs and they’ve received a face lift with a bright new coat of paint in the house colours; Winton (grey) for the central stair, Freeman (red) for the Northern Stair, Murdoch (orange) to the Eastern stair and Hollows (yellow) to the Western stair.
The lecture theatre has also received a fresh coat of paint to go with the new carpet.
Building development floorplan
Building development stair wells colour scheme
We’re creating new teaching spaces to help cater for growing student numbers.
Building floorplan
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