Instrumental Music

Auburn High School offers a broad extra-curricular program. Students are encouraged to participate in the broader life of the school by pursuing different areas of interest in the Arts, Sport, STEM, Communication and Philanthropy. Students participating in the Instrumental Music Program also take part in Ensemble groups to develop individual skills as well as performance experience. Performance opportunities include onsite and offsite events.

Instrumental Music Lessons

Instrumental Music students attend 30 minute weekly lessons with our talented music staff. Lesson sizes range from one to four students. These lessons are held during class time and are alternated weekly to ensure students are not repeatedly missing the same class. Regular home practice is expected to ensure maximum skill development.

Music tuition for 2025 includes: voice, keyboard/piano, guitar, bass guitar, saxophone, flute and clarinet (also music theory depending on demand).

Please note that students must have their own instrument. There are numerous options for hiring or purchasing an instrument so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like some advice.

Bands and Ensembles

All Instrumental Music students take part in an appropriate Ensemble group based on their particular instrument and level of learning. This includes regular rehearsals with an Instrumental Music instructor, as well as performance opportunities. Ensemble groups include Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Vocal Ensemble, Rock Band and Guitar Ensemble. The Ensemble Program is included in the Instrumental Music Levy.

Students who take lessons outside of school are also welcome to apply to take part in one of our Ensemble groups. There is a small levy associated with this.

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