Community Engagement

Auburn High School has a strong connection with the local community to enhance the experience and community connection for all AHS students. This includes Philanthropic initiatives such as the Relay for Life and the World’s Greatest Shave where students organise, plan and participate in various activities to raise awareness and funds for various causes. Students build connections with primary school children through various programs including coaching the students during physical education classes and electives.

Our year 9 students participate in mock job interviews with the Rotary Club and the Intergenerational PADSIP program with older members of the community. This variety of experiences are beneficial for both our AHS students and the community members they are working with.

Year 10 students and students within our VCE and IB programs are able to explore their tertiary and beyond school opportunities through experiences with post school institutions such as Swinburne University of Technology.

Students are provided with opportunities to build their skills and expand their experiences in various contexts such as through the Boroondara Youth Hub and the Vic SRC programs.

Throughout their experience at Auburn High School, students will have multiple experiences both within the curriculum, and extra-curricular activities to engage with a multitude of other community organisations through excursions, incursions, guest speakers and members of the wider AHS community.

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