Parent Contributions

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As we look forward to another year of growth and learning at Auburn High School in 2025, we want to express our gratitude for the continued support of our incredible school community.  Auburn High School is proud to provide an outstanding secondary school experience for our students, committed to achieving excellent academic outcomes, offering a broad range of clubs and activities beyond the classroom, and ongoing improvements to the physical environment for all students to enjoy.

Your ongoing support, whether through fundraising or volunteering, plays a pivotal role in ensuring that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students.  We sincerely thank you for your commitment and the positive impact it has made on our school and the programs we can offer.

Curriculum Contributions from our parent community are a vital component of the funded needed to support the delivery of these outstanding outcomes.  Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfill the standard Victorian Curriculum, and we want to assure you that all contributions are entirely voluntary.  Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can continue to enhance the educational experience for our students.

All Victorian government schools, including Auburn High School, must use the Department of Education Parent Payments Policy when requesting financial contributions.  Our Principal and Business Manager work closely with the School Council to set recommended parent contributions that meet the school’s budgetary requirements.  We strive to provide clear and transparent information to assist you in supporting AHS financially and understanding how the school utilise these contributions.

The financial support of our parent community has allowed us to provide a rich academic program, ensuring that every student is challenged in their learning.  Auburn Highs School has been named an Influence School by DET for another year, achieving NAPLAN learning growth outcomes well above our state and like-school counterparts and lifting VCE outcomes.  We have provided a diverse range of lunchtime clubs and activities, created opportunities for student leadership and voice, and made significant progress in improving buildings and grounds.

We are excited to share that, thanks to your contributions and the active involvement of our School Council and DET grants, we will be welcoming a new senior school building and a complete refurbishment of our student and staff bathrooms in 2024.  These additions could not have been completed without your financial contributions. Every dollar contributed by our parent community goes directly to school improvement and we are immensely grateful for your support.

Your every contribution whether financial or through active involvement, contributions significantly to the ongoing success and growth of Auburn High School.  If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Yours sincerely,

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